Celebrity VIP Protection Group offers comprehensive security programs for private residences and estates with 24-hour, 7 day-a-week monitoring of CCTV, Patrolling the interior and exterior of your estate.
Our appointments begin with a comprehensive threat and vulnerability analysis. Based on your security needs, we can provide armed and unarmed executive protection agents, physical perimeter security, barriers, and alarms.
We personally review and optimize your security procedures .
Our Executive Protection Agents provide personal protection for Celebrities, VIP’ S and High Net Worth families worldwide. We travel with our clients as needed often on short notice including extended worldwide travel.
Our agents are certified and trained to provide emergency first aid and CPR .
Our highly seasoned and professional Executive Protection Specialists are experienced in all aspects of personal and corporate security. Proactive and expertly avoiding and quickly defusing potential situations, while providing a high level of professional and personal service. Recognized for sound judgment and decision-making skills. Committed to the highest level of professional and personal excellence.
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Palm Beach, Florida, United States
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License Number: A 1100165 : B1900098